Change is Life’s only Constant. Change is your Future.
Gravity brings you the inspiration and the tools you need to invite change into your life with confidence.
Inspirational Articles
A daily intention sets the tone for the flow of your day. It’s a mantra that helps you go in your desired direction of life. Find inspiration and examples here!
Learn to improve your self-image and how to move your “acutal self” closer towards alignment with your “ideal self”!
Gear Up!
Welcome to Gravity!
We are living in a world that changes faster than ever before. Society, economy, environment, climate – we see change everywhere. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, but all of it is real. As with everything, you have a choice. You can feel powerless in the face of it and let life happen to you. Or you can get into the driver’s seat of your destiny and take action. You have the power to turn your personal life into something magnificent, and you have the power to make a positive impact on the whole world. We need a healthy planet to lead a healthy life, and we need a kind, compassionate society to live peacefully together. And how do we get there? Well, it all starts with you. If everyone of us becomes the best version of ourselves, we can transform the whole world. We want to inspire you to start your own transformation today, and give you the tools you need to succeed. Be a part of something that is greater that everyone of us. Join the evolution!
Julia & Marco

Keep evolving!
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